Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wire Art

Room 18 are excited about creating their pieces of art work using wires and beads.
They have started sketching pictures as their first planning step. This week we will begin to shape the wire sculptures.


  1. I think doing Wire Art for art this Term is going to be really cool and exciting. I'm also excited about all the things happening soon at school like the School Disco and the Art Exibition.

  2. Hi Mrs Sharma,

    I decided how about a keyring, a tree or some part of nature? You Decide....


  3. In wire art I learnt to do a spider and I do it pretty well.

  4. This Week in Wire Art my dragonfly finally got finished. The hardest part was actually to put the beads on the wings and to shape the legs. Thank you Mrs Sharma for helping me make the dragonfly.

  5. In wire art I am making a spider, the best part was to thread the beads on it's back.

  6. In wire art I learnt to make a wine cup, the hardest part was to bend the wire into the right shape.

  7. In wire art I am making a Loch Ness monster. It is starting to take shape but I still have lots of work to do.

  8. In wire art I am making a huge butterfly. The hardest part was sewing the cloth on to the wings.

  9. In wire art I am making a lizard. The best part is that I make things with my hands. If I had to do it again I would make the head neater by doing the wiring better.

    By Amber

  10. In wire art I learnt to make a scorpion, the hardest part was to bend the wire.

  11. Hi Room 18,

    Nice animals they look
    really cool, it must
    have took for ages to finsh

  12. HI Mrs Sharma

    I think you should show us some of the finished ones. Are we going to I.C.T tomorrow.

    Thanks Jade

  13. The wire art looks really cool it must have tooken ages to finish them.

  14. In wire art I made a blue lizard and the best part was wrapping the blue wire around the shaping of the lizard!:]
